Wednesday, May 16, 2012

I looked out my window...

I looked out of my window a few weeks ago and saw this...

Four men walking back across the pasture towards the house... after checking on our newborn twin calves.
The three in black are mine; The Farmer, Jared and Ben. The remaining one is our friend Michael.

I ran to get my camera to snap this picture. had to.
Even knowing that it wouldn't turn out clear; shooting through a window and with the distance involved.
Still. I needed to capture the moment.

And quickly.

As parenting and mom-ish cliches popped into my head.
They grow up so fast. times flies. don't blink or you'll miss it. The days are long and the years are short.

You've heard 'em. and now. already. dear God. I'm not only thinking them...
I'm the old enough mom to know... that they are all true. :)

Because seriously. in some ways, on some days. it feels like it WAS just yesterday...
that I was the girl
wearing tent-like maternity dresses. a few of us did back then. ;)
the young first time mom with sososo much joy. overwhelmed with love. and many questions. changing diapers. smelling like spit up. winding the baby swing.

(that winding thing dates me too. snicker. anyone else, remember swings without batteries?)
...then a second baby boy. more joy. more love. more questions.
my heart fuller than my hands would ever be. :)
nursing an infant while the toddler was either trying to sit on my lap with a book, 

making suggestions about the flavors mommy was providing the baby,
or getting into things in another room.
like eating the supplemental iron tablets put high in a cupboard out reach. playing with postage stamps like stickers.
raiding and emptying and moving things like a little aggressive warrior on a mission.

a training mission.

I thought they were in training...
At least before I had kids I thought that's how it worked.
But we all were.
ARE. still. in training. yes indeed.
they have taught me so much.

Little boys that just yesterday looked like this...

and were insisting that not changing their underwear was "helping with laundry."
I remember proud announcements about new found skills, "I was multi-tasking mom! I brushed my teeth and peed at the same time!"
and who knew? that I would need to be saying things like, don't drool in your brother's hair! don't pee in the trash can! just dripping from the light fixture? who cut the screen door? why is there an entire hot dog floating in the toilet? and sand and water in your dad's new work boots?

who knew? that I could get so angry. or laugh so hard.
or that the roles, job and people that I had wanted more than anything would reveal my own need for Him like almost nothing else.

I had little boys who played with imaginary friends, legos and farm toys. loved tea, scones and John Deere. (who doesn't?! winky) and wanted to grow up to drive tractors, fly planes and drink coffee just like daddy. inventive boys. the kind that found mud and sticks to be great entertainment. and bit sandwiches into gun shapes to shoot at their vegetables.

Boys who thought heaven sounded wonderful without a naptime and bedtime (while their mother did not silly) and wanted to know if their bicycles would be there. and spiders. boys who gave their hearts to Jesus. loving Him back. and had me flat out proud some days and on my knees as well, crying out to Jesus in desperation to please. please help us. wondering how we would ever make it.

Micah 6:8 men. above all else. He loves you. walk with Him. 

remember hearing happy birthday mommy just about all year long as it was the most heartfelt, sincerest wish for having a great day that they could think of. I learned how to use a fire extinguisher. how ipecac works. and am grateful for the nice nurses in the emergency department. everytime.
My little boys liked when the "pretty sunset was up" and often picked flowers for me. They hated writing. and most academics. but loved reading. climbing. ramping. hanging. jumping. riding. and woke up at an unthinkable early hour, eight days a week, all year long, almost without fail... until recently when they started turning into man size people.

Man size people.
Which is why I took that first picture.
I'm not sure when it happened. but it did.
My little boys turned into man size people.

Look at them! taller than me now. and hairy. :) with deep voices. and almost "out of the door." I cannot even believe it.

They grow up so fast. times flies. don't blink or you'll miss it. The days are long and the years are short.
Jared, Ben and I ran a half marathon recently with our friend at journey. and they were awesome!
It became way more than training and running together. thankyouthankyouJesus.
Because with all of their interests, accomplishments and abilities that can both scare and thrill my heart,
there's nothing so precious as knowing that your sons are literally breathing "He is with me."

So grown up. and yet...
still growING up.
BeING and becomING.

their mother. and with their mother. ;)
As a mom, I'm not less busy. but different busy. with my heart still fuller than my hands.
Still sososo much joy. overwhelmed with love. and many questions.
Still flat out proud of them some days and on my knees as well,
crying out to Jesus in desperation to please. please help us. wondering how we will ever make it.

Be Micah 6:8 men. above all else. He loves you. walk with Him. 

Since we make boys in july... we just recently celebrated the birthdays of all three.
So I'm sharing my littlest boy here too.

can't leave Sarah out, even in a post about boys!

Jacob, our youngest, is seven now. which means that he really isn't little little.
But please don't tell me that. shhhhhhhhhhhhhh. because I already know...

They grow up so fast. times flies. don't blink or you'll miss it. The days are long and the years are short.

Be Micah 6:8 men. above all else.
He loves you. walk with Him.

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