Sunday, September 12, 2010

Waiting To Fly


My friend at ABAHM recently posted the most amazing photos.

Which is not anything new and unusual for Jenny really. Lots of her pictures are amazing.
She often shares her love of nature; sunsets, seaside balconey views, flowers and garden vegetables.

Although I must say, my all time favorite posted photo of hers isn't about nature.
But it is definitely one depicting God's Special Creation!
Her own wedding photo! She looks just like it. Still. After I forget how many years!!!
Amazing! She is always sweetly beautiful with a smile like sunshine!
Her love for God and her family are all over her face and blog!

Jenny and her youngest son David, "captured"  a monarch butterfly escaping its cocoon with snapshots and a video. Go ahead. Check 'em out here if ya haven't already. And you'll see amazing.

yes. amazing. it is a fav word for me right now. so pardon the endless repeating of it...till it's out of my system.
It was fascinating to watch that butterfly fighting to get out.

you know what they say, "freedom is not free."
and i know that it's not. even though i don't always know what that means. or what that looks like.

I saw fighting. Fighting for freedom.
Fighting for freedom from the bondage of its cocoon.
Its "safe" cocoon.
Enabled by the Creator to escape.
Bit by bit. Little by little. A process.
Till it was

I didn't know until I read Jenny's post that the butterfly doesn't, it can't, fly right away.

Its body is too big.
Too cumbersome.
It's just not ready.

Its wings are too little.
Too weak.
It's just not ready.

It needs time.
Time to wait.
Time to wait in the sun.
A process.
That can't be rushed.

And in the waiting it finds much, much less of itself as so important. its body shrinking to a new, smaller size.

And in the waiting it finds strength. Strength and the ability to fly.
Its wings stretching and growing larger.
Enabled by the Creator.As it waits. And prepares. To fly.


amazing hope.

amazing grace.
Remembering... that while I'm not flying today
it's just a place
a stage
a middle
with purpose.

worm? larva? caterpillar? chrysalis or cocoon?newly emerged lepidopteran insect?
i'm not sure which.
(i think that i like bug words. amazing.)
But I know
I am to-die-for-valued.waiting in The Son

to do what He created me to do.

I am waiting to FLY!!!

"Hast thou not known?
Hast thou not heard,
that the everlasting God, the Lord,
the Creator of the ends of the earth,
fainteth not, neither is weary?"
"He giveth power to the faint;
and to them that have no might he increaseth strength...
They that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength;they shall mount up with
wings as eagles;
they shall run, and not be weary;
and they shall walk, and not faint."

Is. 40:31

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