Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A Belated Mother's Day Gift ~

I was given a present yesterday. I'm calling it a belated Mother's Day gift.

It wasn't wrapped.

No card.

But it was perfect.

Now I love, love, love cards.
And wrapped presents and especially those that include any kind of gummy candy.
I was treated to both on Sunday.

Gummi-Splat-a-pillars. Yum.
( I can feel all the love as I chew.)   

Sometimes holidays and those special occasion times can feel like a set up for disaster.

( Please, pretty please, don't notice that this might be sounding just a wee bit familiar here.
I am afraid that if it does, you might believe that I'm a little Bah Humbug-y!
Which I am Not. Or, if I really am, I don't want you to know that. )

I love special and warm- fuzzy and all that, of course. And we have that. Sometimes.
But somehow those things can have a way of flying apart for us.
Or maybe it is the quiet that is so.hard. The quiet that screams loudly of all the...
                                                                                 missing pieces,
                                                                                 missing people,
                                                                                 missing relationships,

All that should be...and is not.

And then hearing someone at church, endlessly expound on the qualities of the Proverbs 31 wife and mother...which wouldn't have been such a bad thing,

except that The Farmer and Our Children were sitting there too
and probably even listening!!!


Now. Where was I ?
Oh. Yesterday's present.

So. It was from my teenage son. One of them.
He came home from school all excited. Really, really happy excited. Thrilled because I was picked to be one of the parent chaperones for his field trip.


I understand what people mean when they say, "Pick your battles."
Oh really, I do. And let me just say that some kids pick more battles than others.

We have some really determined hard heads in this family ( and I'm saying that looking into the mirror while pointing at The Farmer's offspring  ) who are constantly testing boundaries, leaning on fences and practicing their trial-lawyer-argumentative abilities on a daily basis.

On really dark days I shamefully admit to The Farmer what is surely already glaring and obvious.
I'm really not good with kids.
(Funny, how I thought that I, might be/would be, good with kids, because I wanted to be a mother more than anything. But that is working out for me like standing in your garage makes you a car.)

I wrote a comment to a friend yesterday;
"I am shattered pieces of who and what I wanted to be
for the most precious people on this planet
who don't even let me pee by myself."


Ok. The present. I am really getting to yesterday's present.
All that was to say,
that while we really do LOVE each other,
we don't always like each other.

And yesterday, my son said that he wants me on his trip,                                                                      with his friends,
                                                        and that he really likes me.
A precious, belated Mother's Day Gift for sure.

A perfect present for any day.

And a reminder that I have more in common with teenagers than I think I do on some days.


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               "The quickest way for a mother to get her children's
                attention is to sit down and look comfortable." ~
Lane Olinghouse

                      "Oh, the comfort, the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a
                       person; having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words,
                       but to pour them all out, just as they are, chaff and grain together,
                       knowing that a faithful hand will take and sift them,
                       keep what is worth keeping, and then with the breath of kindness,
                       blow the rest away."   ~George Eliot

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